Sculptures in Østsalling
Østsalling is full of sculptures and has approximately 50 sculptures around the entire area. Here you will find a selection of the sculptures as well as a guide to where you can locate and discover all of them.
Sculpture guide Østsalling
Art is not only to be enjoyed and experienced in a museum or gallery. Visit Østsalling in which you will find around 50 different art sculptures within the open landscape.
At this page you will find a small selection of few sculptures and their significance, as well as a guide to each of every sculpture in the area.
Explore the various sculptures by car or bike on a lovely sunny day
The Astrup cross
The Salling Girls
Jebjerg, Virksund, at the beach of Lyby St...
Sculpture Guide Skive
Skulpturguiden.dk provides an overview of al sculptures in Skive Kommune. Choose '7870 Roslev' which delivers a summary of all sculptures in Østsalling.