Fishing license and fishing card
Remember your fishing license when fishing by the Limfjord - are you fishing in Karup River, you also need a fishing card.
Rules on state fishing license and purchase of fishing card (day card)
Fishing license:
All anglers between the ages of 18 and 65 must have a valid national fishing license in order to fish in Danish fishing waters. Children under 18 and pensioners are allowed to fish without the state fishing license. The only exception to the purchase of national fishing licenses is the so-called put-and-take lakes.
You must have purchased the fishing license before you start fishing, and the sign must be valid for the period during which you are fishing. The fishery inspection periodically does spot checks and if your fishing license is not valid you will be fined. The money that the state gets into the sale of the fishing license is 100% spent on releases and research in modern fish care.
Prices for fishing license:
1 day: DKK 40, -
1 week: DKK 130, -
1 year: DKK 185, -
Fishing license can be purchased online at www.fisketegn.dk.
Fishing card (day card):
If you want to fish in streams or rivers, you will in most cases need a fishing card - in addition to the state fishing license. Fishing card for Karup River can be purchased online via www.danskfiskekort.dk and locally here:
Jagt & Fiskeri, Katkjærvej 1, 7800 Skive Tel. 97524522
Vridsted Grocery, Egebjergvej 4, Vridsted, 7800 Skive. Tel. 97547012
Hagebro Grocery, Holstebrovej Hagebro 286, 7800 Skive, tel. 97452026
PH Grej - PH Outdoor, Nørgemøllevej 109, 8800 Viborg Tel. 86622113
Prices for fishing card for Skive-Karup Å:
Day cards: adults DKK 200, - / children (<16) DKK 100, -